Saturday, December 27, 2008

Looking back 2008

I know that I said this blog would just be related to my book project, but as I haven't had the time to start that project, I'll put information up here regarding that project as it gets off of the ground.
As for a look back at 2008, it was a roller coaster of a year. Between getting the idea for BlindSight near the beginning of the year, starting a new semester, safety issues with students and other things, the year is ending on a good note . I'll be purchasing a new computer shortly after the first of the new year as my pc died shortly before Christmas. That's alright though, at least I have the laptop to use once school starts up again.
I hope that 2009 will be a much better year than 2008 was, and that I will be able to get things started for my blindSight book project, starting on January first, 2009.

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