Friday, January 1, 2010

The grey stallion

The big grey stallion stood patiently at the top of the hill waiting for the young woman who was supposed to exercise him that day.
As Kelley trudged up the hill through two feet of soft, powdery snow to where he stood he whinnied softly at her.
She undid the lead rope that tied the horst to the solitary hitching post just outside of the paddock.
Kelley slowly walked the horse down the hill so that she could mount him easily without much effort.
when they reached the bottom of the hill Kelley felt his large head come to rest against her shoulder. Kelley stood there beside him and let him love on her. She clambered up on to his back and settled in to the saddle after a few minutes.
As Kelley walked the big horse to the paddock where he would be kept until the time of the pulling of the carts came she felt her feet go out from beneath her as she slid in some mud. She threw herself into the horse's side to steady her still shaking legs.